Adopting a Kitten

Should I Go On A Call List Or Should I Reserve?

Its best to reserve a kitten: Ragdolls are highly coveted so most our kittens are reserved before birth or sometimes even before they are conceived. Only a few end up adopted out to people on a Call list since those with deposits already usually take most of the kittens. If a kitten does make it to the Call List, it usually sells to one of the top three people top of our call list and has a home within a couple hours.

If you genuinely want a Ragdoll kitten from a reputable breeder get on somebody’s waitlist NOW, and place a deposit.

If after reading this you decide you do not want one of our kittens, we do not mind if you run information by us about other advertisements. We do not mind giving you feedback. We can often pick out a scammer before you. We would rather not let you get scammed by anybody!

Be Careful. Know your Breeder. Inform yourself. Scammers and Cat Mills are everywhere.

NEVER buy a kitten on impulse or from someone you have not investigated thoroughly.

The Scary Part! Making A Deposit To Reserve A Kitten

Placing a deposit secures your spot on the waitlist to choose a kitten. Those with reservation deposits are offered the available kittens from each litter when the kittens are between 4 to 5 weeks old. By this time you can see their markings and color, AND their personalities. You are however allowed to pass on a litter and wait for another litter to get the kitten you want if that litter doesn't have the kitten you want.

We have litters throughout the year.

Before placing a deposit, ALL adoptees MUST read through this website, review a blank agreement and ask any questions they have before placing their deposit.

If you decide to move ahead with placing a deposit we will:

1. send you our more detailed adoption application to fill out so we can start your file.

2. Confirm with you that you have made a firm decision to adopt from us.

Then we make you wait 24 hours after making a firm decision from us before sending your deposit.

Why do we do this???? . Because the deposit is a lot of money, it is non refundable, AND because we know that staring at or thinking about kittens tends to make peoples brain cells quit working. We want your decision to adopt from us be a well thought out decision you feel good about.

Your agreement as usual follows Tica Standards for Ethical Breeders and like anything by us detailed nerds do is 500 pages long...just joking - its not- but it is LONG. We want you to have no surprises, know what to expect from us from placing your deposit till the end of your two year health guarantee, and know what your options are if you (god forbid) run into problems with your kitten.

Deposit: $900 (nonrefundable)

Paid By: Interac E-Transfer

Why are deposits so much?

Simple, it shows who is serious about getting a kitten.

Why are deposits nonrefundable?

Unfortunately we have had very trusted adopters opt out unexpectedly and or disappear too many times and leave us with the substantial bills we have paid to raise their kitten. In reality real breeders make very little. We spend more on your kitten raising it (give it the best food, supplements, environment) you get more with your kitten (all your kittens first vet care is complete, its registered etc). As such we truly make very little above what we charge you. Sorry...but the saying "If you are making money you likely aren't a real breeder" is much more true than you know. We do it because we love our cats and love sharing the happiness their cute little toe beans bring.

Your deposit freezes your kitten price for 1 year.

Due to inflation of increasing costs of genetic testing, veterinary care and etc., our prices need to reflect that. If you have not picked a kitten within 1 year, then your price is subject to change. If for a serious reason you cannot take a kitten within 1 year (for example you got cancer, or the litters are late) at our discretion we of course would return your deposit.

** Our prices are increasing March 1 and again on April 1 due to Trumps Tantrums.

You may change your mind about what kitten type you prefer!

Depositors may change their mind about sex, color, coat, or markings they want. It is quite frequent a kitten chooses you instead of the other way around anyways lol. We like to know your preferences so we can direct you to the litter best able to produce that, but we dont hold you to them.

Don't forget the earlier you place a deposit, the higher up the line you are for choosing a kitten!

Unless you are another breeder (who gets first pick), our kittens are offered to people in the order deposits have been received. This is the only fair way we know how to do it. When a Depositor picks or passes , the next person in line then makes their pick or pass and so on. As people on the list above you choose, your place on the list automatically moves up.

Life happens. Let us know if after placing your deposit you are having difficulty paying the balance. Generally Payment Plans are only available- at our discretion- to homes we already know or we think would be an truly awesome home for our babies...and just for the deposit portion. Our priority is good homes for our kittens however, so at times we do do payment plans.

A Sales Agreement will be written up for the buyers protection.

Deposits Are Non-Refundable With These Exceptions:

After the deposit has been paid, but before the Buyer has picked up their kitten:

  1. Should the kitten die or be severely injured or develop an incurable life-threatening genetic defect, the Buyer will receive a kitten of comparable value as soon as one is available. Should a suitable kitten not be available within one year of the deposit, a full refund of the deposit will be given.
  2. Should we decide for whatever reason the Depositor might be an unsuitable home, we may cancel the adoption. We hate doing this because it is typical that these people are very unhappy. All breeders however reserve the right to ensure kittens go only to good homes and we have clearly listed in our agreement what constitutes breaches of agreement; the do not do things. Do we hate this? YES. Do we make mistakes sometimes? Yes!!... and we apologize greatly for that because we hate hurting anyone's feelings, but we must ALWAYS err on the side of our kittens welfare.

What does my Ragdoll kitten come with? Way more than from any other breeder we know!

A 2 year genetic health guarantee

A replacement kitten should a serious genetic defect occur

Spayed / Neutered


Lifetime microchip account

3 full veterinary health examinations by a licenced veterinarian

Complete Veterinary Health Record booklet for your kitten

Contact information for our veterinarian

Three FVRCP (cat flu) vaccines

Two Feline leukemia vaccinations

One Rabies vaccination

Fully litter trained kitten

Completely weaned onto dry and wet foods already

Kitten raised with our two kitten nanny dogs

Familiarized to travel crate ***important for the ride home!

Handled daily, extensively socialized and exposed to normal household sights and sounds.

Dewormed a minimum 3x with coverage for round, heart AND tape worms.

Anti flea tick and mite treatment (prevention) prior to going home

“Going Home Tips and Information for Forever Homes” ; tips and tricks to make your kittens transition to your home easier

Kittens registration slip

Kitten's unique TICA identification code

Kittens microchip linked already to its unique TICA ID

72 hour supply of dry and wet food

2 month supply of Probiotic and quality nutrient supplements

2 month supply of Hairball prevention capsules

Lifetime Breeder Support for the life of your cat; call us any time!

25% discount on second kitten

Easily understandable, detailed adoption agreement that follows TICA Standards for Ethical Breeders AND protects you and your kitten.

A donation will be made from the proceeds of each kitten to a local cat rescue from each kitten sale

Veterinary Care:

All our kittens are examined thoroughly a minimum of 3x by our veterinarians. Kind, caring and truly knowledgeable; we are extremely glad to have them.

Most other catteries send kittens home with perhaps one worming and one set of vaccines. Kittens have little defense against the viruses they will encounter if they have only 1 vaccination. .


Deworming at week 6, week 8 and week 12 based on their weight:

All kittens need worming at least twice to cover all life cycle phases of worms. All should have protection against round, tape AND heart worms . Most other breeders provide 1 worming and only against round worms.

Even though your cat is an indoor cat, they still require worming as worm eggs can be brought into the house on owners’ shoes or other pet’s feet. Always follow your veterinarian’s advice and we recommend purchasing your at home wormers from your vet. They tend to cover more types of worms, and be more effective. Wormers, flea, and tick medication can be lethal if administered incorrectly so always weigh your kitten first and follow your veterinary staff directions.

Flea, Tick Mite Protection:

Prior to going home kittens are also given protective anti flea, anti tick and anti mite protection. This is especially important for kittens going to the coast.


1st set of vaccines FVRCP @ 8 weeks (feline rhinotracheitis, calcivirus and panleukopenia) with a veterinary health check, paid by us.

2nd set of vaccines FVRCP AND initial leukemia @ 12 weeks (FRCVP booster and initial leukemia vaccine) with a veterinary health check. Paid by us also. All kittens may react strongly to this set because they now have antibodies.

3rd set of vaccines FVRCP, Leukemia booster AND Rabies vaccines @ 16 weeks (Leukemia Booster) with a veterinary health check, paid by us.

Current practices recommend redoing all vaccines in 1 year and then every 3 years.

We prepare your Kitten for going home!


We do not crate train your kitten, but we do make them comfortable being in their crate. All kittens are introduced to sleeping and playing in a crate starting from the first month. That way your kitten has its own safe spot when it goes home AND the trip home will be much easier.

You may buy one of our gently used crates for your kitten if you need.


Your kitten is gradually transitioned from all nursing to nursing and wet food and then onto a mix of dry and wet (canned) food. We initially feed the kittens 6x a day and then gradually bring it down to 4x a day and a 50/50 mix of canned food mushed into high quality dry food. We use a mix of either Accana, First Mate or Orijen Kitten Chow.

High quality dry kitten food is ALWAYS available; free fed to ALL cats here...queens, kings and babies.

Lactose Free Formula that has extra calcium and probiotics in it when they are being weaned.

Friskies canned; any flavor

Canned water pack Sardines

Spayed And Neutered:

All our kittens will be spayed/neutered prior to going home. We get that out of the way for you. There will be no kitty feeling poorly and hating its cone in your home. We do it all for you and we do it well. As an ex critical care ICU nurse, your kitten is in good hands.

We make sure your kitten is well socialized

Since our kittens are part of our home, they are socialized to all the strange noises and sights that most homes have. They are also socialized to living with dogs. Sophia (head nanny), and Bear (assistant nanny) of course are constantly “on the job”.

The socialization that we do is extremely important to having a well- balanced, happy kitten later that transitions smoothly into your home and with the least stress.

Very important learning and socialization goes on between week 8 to 16. Because we only release kittens to to our Forever homes later than other catteries, they get to stay with mom longer AND spend time with dad longer (something most kittens do not get). During this time they are learning how to be a "proper" cat; in other words cat "etiquette" so they know how to get along with cats not in their immediate family better. They are handled daily and played with. We change out their toys to keep them mentally stimulated; adding new ones daily, and they are very happy kittens.


All kittens are completely litter trained before they go home.

As you wait for your kitten to come home, we keep you updated on the progress of your kitten. You may set up live audiovisual visits with your kitten once your choose it or visits to choose your kitten. We appreciate your patience in not taking the kittens too early, but we understand you do not want to miss out on any of their babyhood.

Kittens go home!

To protect our vulnerable kittens and mommas we operate a closed cattery. This means no on site visits are allowed, but you can "visit" as many times as you like by live audio visual calls. This protects our vulnerable mommas and kittens. It also meets Kamloops city business bylaws for our business licence and our small business insurance rules. Our regular home insurance is void if we do not do this so it is kind of important, but we would do it anyways to protect our mommas and babies. We do however appreciate your willingness to keep the babies safe.

We will help you get your kitten home to you.

If your are picking up

When its time for you to take your kitten home, we arrange a mutually agreeable pick-up time, date, and place. If you live in Kamloops we will deliver your kitten.

We can connect owners who live in the Lower Mainland, Okanagan or Calgary with other adopters going the same direction for Kitten Pooling. This save owners time, money, and is less stressful for the kitten as it is traveling with a sibling, one person drives and the other share the gas costs.

If you needed, we can refer you to a reliable "for a fee" kitten transporter who will transport your kitten either to the lower mainland or to Calgary very cheaply; usually around 150$. We know these people well because they own an azure sky kitten already. They are completely trustworthy and will take good care of your kitten.

Kittens flying across Canada or out of country require a veterinary health check and rabies vaccination within 10 days of going home and must fly out of Kelowna Airport and be 3 months old. If needed to be shipped internationally out of Kelowna, we will deliver your kitten to its flight in Kelowna for the cost of the gas.

Kittens travelling "in cabin" can be flown out of the Kamloops Airport.

For any kittens flying we will arrange with you for a cheap but gently used airline approved hard crate for your kitten to go home with in cargo or soft shell crate for your kitty to go "in cabin".

All Forever Homes are supported right from reservation placement through the transition to home for their kitten and beyond.

Upon receipt of your reservation deposit, we send you extensive information email covering what you can expect from us from reservation to going home.

All homes are prepared for go home with an extensive information emails that goes over kitten needs up to one year old. We try to support even those homes that have never had a pet before. Depending on your needs, we send you information on helping you choose crates, arrange your veterinary care, arrange transportation, how to best travel, introducing kids and pets and many other helpful information articles designed to make life with your kitten successful.

When your kitten goes home, we will put your number on our favorites list so you can get hold of us anytime 24/7during the first two weeks. We also do this anytime you are worried about your kitten or there is an emergency. Often we can save you time, money, and worry by helping you decide if something is a "must see the vet" or "can we deal with it at home" situation.

If you are unsure of something such as introducing your kitten to other pets in your household just call us. We love to know how our kittens are doing and give any help we can.

Breeder support is for the life of your cat. We do not disappear when your kitten goes home!

We make sure your kitten is well socialized

Contact Us (Adoption application)

If you are interested in adopting one of our kittens please fill out Contact Us form on this website.

All adopters need to fill one out so we can start your file, but it does not commit you to adopting a kitten. Only a reservation does that. Only people who have filled out this form with their full contact information ; name, complete address, telephone number and email will be called contacted. Due to the prevalence of scammers pretending to be adopters we do not generally reply unless you identify yourself clearly and we can confirm you are a real person.

You may email us at with any questions.

Instagram has our most current videos and most amusing videos.

Our Facebook page is mostly for our homes as we post information on their we think would be helpful for our homes and updates on litters to our Forever Homes. It also has a zillion silly cat pics and memes on it.

Generally, because we are old we get up early and go to bed early.

All audiovisual visits must be booked ahead. Kitten "visits" are best arranged around 10 to 11 am and calls between 7 am and 2 pm.

After 6 pm, unless its an emergency or you have recently taken your kitten home, all calls, emails and messages are answered the next day.

Questions? Check out our FAQ's about Ragdolls below!

If its not on the list, feel free to email us!

Whoever you fall in love with!

The Ragdoll cat is a long haired cat and long haired cats shed, but Ragdolls shed less because they do not have the heavy undercoat that other long haired breeds have. Their coats are actually quite easy care.

We follow Tica's Ragdoll Standards for Ethical Breeders in our breeding program. To constantly improve our cats.

Approx. around $800 -$1000 a year. Check out this for more information:

Kittens can go home after they are spayed/neutered, microchipped and their 3 sets of vaccines are complete. We ask you to wait 3 days after neuter for boys, and 7 days after spay for girls because spaying is a more invasive surgery.

Ragdoll cats are known to be gentle, loving and sociable.

Yes we do and we usually retire them when they are about 3 years old so they are still young and can have a nice long life as a pet with their Forever Home.

Unless sold as a breeder to another ethical breeder, all kittens come spayed/neutered.

Tica mandates the breeder to strictly follow certain rules. We never want to breaks some ones heart and sell you unhealthy cat. We DNA test all parents for 40 different genetic defects and as negative for feline aids or leukemia before they are allowed to breed.

We have truly found no difference between how social or loving they can be. If you prefer a specific sex, we can hold one from the upcoming litters if one currently isn't available.

Ragdolls are actually one of the longest living cat breeds, they generally live between 15-20 years.

The International Cat Association the world's largest genetic registry of purebred and domestic cats. You may look up all Breeds of cats, how to choose your kitten and how to choose a breeder at

Ragdoll cats are the perfect breed to introduce into a home with a dog. They have a mild temperament and personality traits similar to a dog’s.

All adopted kittens must be kept indoors except on a leash or in a carrier. Indoor cats live on average 10-15 years, while outdoor cats live on average 2-5 years.

By buying a purebred you get genetic health guarantee. With a rescue you don't have health guarantee.

Yes, they do!

No, this myth comes from their lack of an undercoat. Shedding this undercoat is what causes many allergies. So Ragdolls cause less allergic reactions.